The Wheel Turns…


The nights and days come back into balance.

We thank the Earth for that which we have been given.

All manner of things will be well.

At this time of year, I normally decorate my alter with the fruits of labour (mine and others): flowers, vegetables, writings, crafts. I celebrate the joy that summer has brought, and prepare to welcome the Ancestors back to the circle of my life.

But this has been a difficult summer, not a joyous one. I have been questioned about my place in the world, work, family and community. I have spent much time in the halls of mourning, both for those who have left and for those who miss them too. I have watched too many of those around me struggle with their own painful journeys.

The darkness is not evil. It is solace after a long struggle. It is a place from which to start.

Blessed Autumn Equinox to you and yours.