What is justice? For a follower of the Judeo-Christian-Islam path, justice comes from an external source (God), and each law may or may not fit the context of the day. For those on a Pagan path, there is no external source to look to, and no set of rules to follow. Instead we are faced with making choices based on our own set of ethics, recognizing that what we do will ripple out to impact others (hence the Three-Fold Law).
Every choice I’ve made has led me to this place.
Every choice has rippled out to impact others.
Every choice must be accounted for.

This morning I was named Nemesis by someone who had been impacted by one of my choices. Nemesis is the Goddess of Righteous Anger and Divine Retribution. Mary Daly speaks of Her power not lying in external justice but in “an internal judgement that sets in motion a New psychic alignment of energy patterns.” (Quintessence 85-86) Making choices is as much about the internal – the integrity one brings to the point of decision – as it is about the external. I’m under no illusions that my choices are not always postive for others, but I strive to make them in a way that is in alignment with the world I want to create. And so I chose not to defend or challenge this naming. I stand by the choice I made and accept the consequences of the impact it had on her. I stand by the choices that led me to that one and the choices that have come as a result.
My choice now is to embrace Nemesis, to explore what energy She brings to my life and what Her experiences teach me about a life of service to the Goddess in All Her Aspects. This is my path and I choose it willingly. Blessed Be!