Blessed Ostara!

Wow, where did the time go? I’ve been super busy with class (How much Habermas can one person read? Apparently a lot.) and a new position (research assistant at the University of Calgary) in addition to several different things happening with the boards I’m on (like the upcoming Building Alliances for Change: Nonviolent Popular Action), crafting (little sandwiches for everyone!) and signing up for another round of tai chi (third times the charm).

But being Pagan means recognizing the changing seasons, regardless of how busy I get. The wheel is nowostaraalter2013 turning to Spring Equinox (Ostara). Equinoxes are a time of balance; the day and night are equal, and the Earth feels pregnant with all the things that spring brings us. I may not have got my ritual cloth finished started, but I did get some paska baked and my alter decorated. I won’t be able to celepaska2013brate on Wednesday (I’m facilitating a focus group) but hopefully will be able to pull out the embroidery floss later this week, or at least figure out what pattern I’m using before next year.