Author Archives: trasie
♫ Solstice Blessings
A very blessed Winter Solstice to you and yours.
Follow up to the last post…
All this tries to make sense… but the article also says that MacIver’s costs were to be covered by the World Meteorological Organization”as part of his role as the chair of the organizing committee” and not by Canada. Now, MacIvor likely would have been drawing a salary during the conference, so I guess that money is better spent doing… something else that scientists do. Because we’d hate to have the scientists COMMUNICATING with one another as they try to get us out of this mess we’ve made.
Oh, yeah, it is the full moon…
Canada stands proud, sovereign, free, and under God.
Harper has led Canada into a position of proud global leadership. In light of this new strength, we no longer need to be concerned with “disappointed” environmental socialists and those countries that adhere to a flawed global warming fear tactic!
Canada can unite free and proud on its own terms! God bless Canada.
Not that I’m Christian or anything, but wasn’t there something about Adam and stewardship in that Bible of yours?
Or this:
Do the foreigners pay tax here? No? Then what they think or say doesn’t mean JACK! The next time the decadent Europeans decide to have a war, we should stay home. Say, don’t they still owe us for winning WWII for them? What short memories these guys have. Must be all the wine and creamy sauces…
Mmmhmm. There must be a variation of Godwin’s Law here somewhere….
Oh, and Minister Prentice? When UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told you that Canada has played an important role “historically” in international affairs, I think you should take some time to reflect on what “historically” actually means and why it’s not necessarily a good thing.
Making News Again
Yep, I’m in the paper again:
Car sharing co-op attractive option for Calgarians
If you’re interested in carsharing (I’ve been doing it since April), all the information on CATCO is on the website:
OK, so it’s been a while…
… but at least I still remembered my password!
Yes, life got busy for a while. Anyone who knows me knows what’s been happening. The rest of you can make something up – use your imaginations!
My jonesing for website development is currently being satisfied at, where I’ve been the Executive Director since last October. I’ve also become addicted to Facebook along with half of my former high school. (Mostly they find me through my sister, who was way more social than I was during that period in our lives.)
I’m starting my next-to-last class at MRC tonight, which should take up even more of my time, which has become even more constrained since the single-mom thing started in March.
Oh, and I’m in the news today:
Anders’ absence angers seniors
And to think moving from the violence against women sector to the seniors sector would be less political!
Poetry for Brigid
To mark Imbolc (aka Candlemas, aka Brigid’s Day), here is my selection for the Third Annual Brigid in Cyberspace Reading.
The Moon is Always
The moon is always you, and I am drawn
to trace the ripe crescent swelling around
your hip, the arc of your throat, the classic curve
of your eyes, and the velvet indigo shadow beneath.
You are always the moon, and I ache in your
absence, although you never leave me for long,
lingering late into the morning and ascending
again in the afternoon, balm for my sun-blind eyes.
The moon is waxen, bloodless.
The moon does not have your mouth.
The moon does not contain your breath.
You are never the moon, but your dimpled
skin is luminescent, it gleams and lures my gaze,
my hands, and I am always reaching for you.
The moon is never you, but I arch to your rhythms
all the same, and I weep relief with the crashing
tidal pool upon your every return.
The moon has a profile that changes with perspective,
and I have written encrypted love poems within
its every dimple and shadow, secrets that borrow
light from our love making to illuminate
the stars and blaze our skins and stories across the sky.
This moon is only for us.
…then Work for Change
The University of Calgary announced the creation today of the Brenda Strafford Chair in the Prevention of Domestic Violence in the Faculty of Social Work. It is only the second such chair in Canada.
Egyptologists find war goddess and Nubian king
CAIRO (Reuters) – Egyptologists have discovered two 3,400-year-old statues of the lion-headed goddess Sekhmet and a rare statue depicting a king with Nubian features, an archaeological conservation director said on Monday.